General Information What tests can you order? Our prices are all inclusive in the UK. For more information please read below: Building Block System as an alternative to our test kits On our main webpage we offer 7 approved test combinations Candida Test Kits –...

Parasites – What are they?

Test for Parasites: For a long time parasites seemed to be a problem of the past or occasionally found in foreign countries. Recently, however, it is clear that parasites have made a come back. Certainly holidays in countries, where hygiene is not as sophisticated as...

Simple stool test detects bowel cancer

By Ute Allison ND- British Naturopathic Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2003 An approved  ELISA test detects specific antibodies to Tumour M2 Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK), an isomere that only tumour cells produce during their glucose metabolism. The test is not only more...

Lactose Intolerance

A wide spread cause for digestive problems By Christiane Pies, MSc (Translated from German by Ute Marie Allison) A case Jane M. has been suffering from recurring digestion problems for years. Repeatedly she gets diarrhoea, sometimes accompanied by vertigo or nausea....