About us
Please meet us at “Candidatest and more . . .” ?
“Candidatest and more…” is the UK customer service for the leading German micro-biological Dr. Hauss Laboratory, on the coast of the Baltic Sea near Hamburg (www.hauss.de). Through “Candidatest and more...” this service is available directly to patients across Great Britain.
Ute Allison ND, MSc Biol., BSc Sp. Sc., BNA, MRN, VDH
I am head of the “Candidatest and more” service. I have been a Naturopath for over 30 years, and I will translate and interpret your results and answer your questions. Digestive health is my passion. If you want to speak to me, please call 0844 330 1909, weekdays 10-13.
Email: ute@candidatest.co.uk
Jacquie Lane, ND, DipNT, mBANT
Jacquie runs our UK office. You will get a first email from her after buying one of our test kits. However, please be aware that we have normal office hours. Jacquie will then dispatch your test material. Jacquie is also Managing Director of BTS (Biological Testing Service), the service for professionals. She is a qualilfied Naturopath and Nutritionist and runs her own clinic. She has also worked for the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) as a lecturer and Director of Studies. Email: info@candidatest.co.uk To speak to her, please contact her via her website www.biologicaltestingservices.co.uk
Our Service:
Founder and head of this service is Ute Marie Allison (ND, MSc Biol., BSc Sp. Sc., BNA, MRN, VDH). Ute graduated with an MSc in Biology and a BSc in Sport Science after 6 years at the University of Hannover. In 1992 she received her licence as a Heilpraktiker (Naturopath) in Germany, and since 1997 she is registered as a Naturopath in England and a member of the GCRN. Since 1992 she has been in continuous practice as a therapist. For more than 10 years she has been a lecturer for the CNM – College of Naturopathic Medicine and also for the LCNM and the London College of Homeopathy. In 2009 she moved back to Germany. She sees patients and she is also a lecturer for the biggest Naturopathic College in Hamburg (https://www.arcana-heilpraktikerschule.de/).
All our tests are conducted in the German laboratory run by Dr. Reinhard Hauss, PhD, Microbiologist and Christiane Pies, MSc, Microbiologist.
Jo Majithia, BA(Hons), DipION, mBANT
Jo is our Registered Nutritional Therapist. She is a very experienced practitioner with over 20 years of continuous practice, a long standing lecturer of the ION and she has special interest in digestive health. To read more about Jo and to contact her please visit her website www.eat4wellbeing.co.uk . Jo can offer consultations by Skype if you are not able to travel to her clinic in Brighton.
Christiane Pies, MSc
Our very experienced laboratory scientist. Coordinating latest research and laboratory procedures, publishing articles and finding the answer to all difficult problems. Christiane gives highly qualified talks all over Germany, and her great passion is hormonal health.
Dr Reinhard Hauss, PhD Microbiologist
Head and owner of the lab for over 30 years. www.hauss.de